Saturday, June 13, 2020

I'm awake!

Blessings Darling!

So I slept most of yesterday.  Then I slept all night.  Today I'm back at work.  Worked in the garden. weeding and watering.  Worked cleaning house, scrubbing the shower stall.  Always loads of fun, that.  Did the exercise bike thing  Have researched 'how to bake bread in a slow cooker', but I fear that the product will mold as quickly as bread baked in a breadmaker molds.  Oh, I'll try it, but I will be looking at it carefully.

I've had almost all of my 5 servings of produce today, and it's still early.  Go me!

Basically, got a lot done, but ... it doesn't feel like I made any progress anywhere.

 Would like to be organizing monthly Pagan/witch meetings at the coffee shop in Books A Million, but that has to wait for Coronavirus to like, drop.  Which it isn't.  I don't know what I'm going to do when things open up.  I've got 3 different 'high risk' issues going - and while I'm working on the weight and high blood pressure, I can't reverse my age. 

Well, that's that for today.

Frondly, Fern

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