Blessings Darlings!
I respect authors, artists, etc - as a result, I take a hard line on plagiarism, as I've mentioned before. And I don't keep silent when I see folks do it FaceBook. Oddly enough, that doesn't endear me to some people. Specifically, it doesn't endear me to plagiarists. Which, actually, cheers me quite a bit - if I am to be known by what groups hate me, being hated by plagiarists is a fine thing in my never humble opinion.
Well, I ran into some plagiarism in an open FaceBook group earlier this month. It was posted on the 14th, I saw it and snarked on the 26th, and they (the plagiarist and her friends) found it today. Instead of saying something like "ooops, you're right, I should have linked back to my source, Llewellyn Publishing's blog at <this address>", the plagiarist called ME negative. Because pointing out plagiarism is negative, but plagiarism itself is white light and unicorn farts?
Here is the complete text of the conversation, as of this moment. I had to get someone else to grab the text for me (given the results, seems to rock!) because the plagiarist blocked me during the conversation. If you'd like to check, the link to the group is .
I expect that the group owner didn't think s/he would need a plagiarism policy, that no one would do it. But plagiarism puts the OWNER at risk, so some policy would be a good idea.
Anyway, for your reading pleasure:
Frondly - and HONORABLY - Fern