Friday, January 6, 2012

Recipe Modification

Blessings, Darlings!

So, since I'm trying to lose weight to lower my blood pressure, I suppose I'm going to have to modify a recipe or two.  Like the chicken & Dumplings I'm planning on serving on Sunday.  The guys like it, uh, with puff pastry instead of dumplings. That's probably not my best choice in starches ... and, really, it's not my favorite starch anyway. 

I'll probably serve THEIRS that way, anyway, since I heat the chicken/veggies/sauce apart from baking the puff pastry.  But for me, hmmmm.....

I thought about serving it over brown rice, sort of like chicken a la king.  That would be okay.  Over barley? No, not appealing.  Lentils?  Oh!  Now THAT sounds good.  I'll use brown, only because the red ones become more of a puree and I don't happen to have any green ones.  And, yes, I'm using evaporated skim milk instead of cream in the sauce.

First-world problem solved!

Frondly, Fern

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