Monday, May 9, 2011

Cream Sauce Recipe

Blessings, Darlings!

As I said, I made a quick and sleazy cream sauce yesterday - well, a cream sauce that featured no cream, nor even half and half, but was still tasty.  It was almost entirely made with storage foods.  Time to share the recipe!

3 tbs butter
2 tbs all purpose flour
1 12 oz can evaporated milk (I used evaporated skim, it would have been better with evap. whole)
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
1/8 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
dash or two or three of hot sauce
a nice slug of dry sherry (I had to use extra dry vermouth, as I'm out of sherry)
1 small can mushrooms (if you want to make it a mushroom cream sauce)

Melt butter in saucepan, let the foaming come to an end.  Add flour, cook for a few minutes to cook the butter.  Slowly add the can of evaporated milk, stirring well and constantly - use a whisk if possible!  Add the other ingredients.  Simmer for a minute or two, adding more of any of the seasonings to taste. I added more salt and nutmeg this time, for the dish I was making.

That's it.  Easy peasy.

Frondly, Fern

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