Tuesday, April 7, 2020

It was for me only, not for all y'all.

Blessings Darlings!

I have set up a grocery pick up with Walmart, which I usually call The Evil Empire.  I still worry a lot about their employees, but it's certainly better for them that folks do pick up than shop.

Apparently I'm not working hard enough for The Morrigan.  A bit ago, I was PMing a friend (Hi Keri!) and a crow came by and told me to get back to work. So out to the garden I went, back to shoveling cow shit.  Paused to talk to the farmer as she was driving away, having cared for the cows (3 new calves!), and after a couple of minutes of that, the crow came back to tell me off again.

An Morrigu is NOT the one sending those memes around saying "it's okay be not get stuff done because you're traumatized."  Her message to ME (and yours may well vary) is "get shit done or you'll get more traumatized later."  Not by HER necessarily, but by other issues/situations that come up. 

Okay - apparently that message from The Morrigan was ... local.  That I needed to work in the garden and get the laundry off the clothes line BEFORE IT STARTED RAINING.  At any rate, I did as much as I could in the garden before my back and legs insisted that I stop.  And then it immediately started sprinkling.

See what happened there?  I made a mistake, and took the leap that a totally personal (and possibly just applicable for a few hours)  message from the Gods was for everyone, everywhere, for all time.  I declared it to be UNIVERSAL.  And I was wrong.  I . fucked . that . up.

At least I won't need to water the seedings today.

Anyway - did laundry, hung it on line, moved it to dryer when rain started.  Worked a lot in the garden.  Offering make to The Morrigan.  Made bread.   Went to the grocer to get things that Walmart said they didn't have.  Will probably find out more things that they didn't have after I do the pick up tomorrow.

Frondly, Fern

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