Friday, February 8, 2013


Blessings Darlings!

Being as I'm even more of a hermit than my friend Suz is, I don't get out  much.  But today I found myself driving off to the Big City on business, and I ran smack dab into Imbolg. 

At first it was a subtle thing.  The bare trees of winter no longer seemed as harsh.  Their outlines had softened with the faint beginnings of swollen buds.

Then came the official in-my-face sign:  LAMBS!  Very young lambs, already rather coated in the signs of Mud Season.

As I've mentioned before, I don't personally celebrate the High Days based on either the calender or astrological timing, I do it by local herding and agricultural signs.  These are the signs of Imbolg in my area.

So, it's official.  Imbolg has arrived.  Bridget - come in, come in, and welcome!

Frondly, Fern

1 comment:

  1. We have snowdrops but I'm yet to see lambs in the fields.It does look less Wintry out there (except for the dropping temperature).Brightest blessings!
