Monday, May 14, 2012

White Cake

Blessings Darlings!

The car is dead AGAIN.  Died Saturn's Day, as the Chubby Hubby and I were in the next town over to buy cartridges for the printer and fax and an upgrade of Adobe paraplegic Acrobat for his new laptop.  Just suddenly DEAD. Battery would crank, but engine wouldn't catch.  He thinks bad fuel when I filled earlier that day, tho' I only got 4 gallons.

At any rate, the car is at the towing company, which is very close to the repair shop.  The repair place isn't open weekends, so we couldn't really take it directly there.  Spawn took a cab back from work today, and he'll try to get rides and only take cabs when needed to work tomorrow (and may call out Monday, since he isn't scheduled for many hours and the damn cab is $25 plus tip each way!).

I was going to do grocery shopping while we were out, too, so I'm low on a few things.  Like eggs.  Which is sad since I wanted eggs for Mothers Day breakfast.  And I want to make some cupcakes.

I WILL make the cupcakes, but instead of making yellow cake ones I'll be using a White Cake recipe and using all those egg whites we have in the freezer.  We accumulate those because the Spawn uses mostly egg yolks in many of the things he cooks - like the quiches and ,,,, well, something else he cooks that is escaping my memory now.  I have probably 5 egg whites in the freezer, and I'll use them all in the cake recipe tho' it only calls for 4.

Being a Prepper, of course, I have lots of dried eggs in #10 cans and a few smaller cans of dried egg whites around.  But once those are open you  have to use them, so I'd rather not open them unless TSHTF (the shit hits the fan).  I've cooked with them before - when I worked in the shelter in Central Illinois we got a lot of surplus dried eggs.  They were fine, but they are not my first choice in cooking with.

So, Monday I'll be making bialys AND cupcakes.  We have lots of strawberries, so those will go with the cupcakes, sort of using them instead of biscuits for Strawberry Shortcake. 

And depending on the diagnosis on the car, I might be biking to the store this week instead of having the Spawn pick up groceries on his way back from work.  Because I have eggs listed on the menu for dinner on Thursday.  And we'll run out of milk by Wednesday, and my husband is not thrilled with reconstituted dry milk. 

Mind you, if he had to drink it, he would.  If we had to eat dried eggs, we would and we'd enjoy them in omelettes and such.  Which is why all this is a 1st world problem, except for the problem with the Spawn getting to and from work. 

Frondly, Fern

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